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Concert at Flatirons Crossing Mall

The BYSS held their March 20th, 2001 concert at the Flatirons Crossing Mall. It was certainly a different venue, as shoppers were hustling and bustling to complete their errands. We are used to audience members hustling to get to their seats!
The performance began and the pace of the mall began to slow. Above was a walkway that, as we played, became full with kids of all ages. They were entranced. Had they heard a classical concert before? Whatever the answer, they were soaking it in like sponges. A few kids, dressed in black and donning nose rings and tattoos, also stopped to show their appreciation.

How lucky we were to transport our music making to a place where such a performance was unexpected and a pleasant surprise. Afterwards, several people came up to ask about the organization and how they can be a part of it.